Dalnegorsk, Dalnegorsk Urban District, Primorsky Krai, Russia
Crystal System: monoclinic
Colour: bronze brown, bronze red or dark brown
Lustre: metallic
Habitus: commonly in massive and granular aggregates. Crystals are tabular, pseudohexagonal
Hardness: 3½ - 4
Fracture: uneven to sub-conchoidal
Cleavage: none observed
Density: 3.5-4.5 g/cm3
Origin and geological occurrence: it occurs typically in mafic magmatic rocks, as magmatic segregations. It can be found also in high-T hydrothermal veins, in metamorphic rocks, and in iron meteorites.
Note: pyrrhotite can be magnetic.
2.17 Pyrrothite Massive aggregate, surficially oxidized #economic minerals
2.18 Pyrrothite Granular aggregate #economic minerals |