El Desierto mine, San Pablo de Napa, Daniel Campos Province, Potosí, Bolivia
Crystal System: orthorombic
Colour: yellow, sulfur-yellow, brownish or greenish yellow, orange or white
Habitus: crystals are typically dipyramidal. Also as granular to powdery aggregates
Lustre: resinous, greasy
Hardness: 1.5-2.5
Fracture: irregular/ uneven, conchoidal
Cleavage: imperfect on {001}, {110} and {111}.
Density: 2.07 g/cm3
Origin and geological occurrence: it is a sublimation product at volcanic fumaroles. It can be the results of sulfate reduction (in some cases biologically-mediated) in sedimentary rocks. In ore deposits, it can derive from the oxidation of sulfides.
1.4 Sulfur #sulfides |
1.5 Sulfur #sulfides |
1.9 Native Sulfur #native elements |