Horse Hill locality, Norway, Oxford Co., Maine, USA


Crystal System: triclinic 
Colour: colourless, white, very pale yellow, blue with inclusions
Lustre: vitreous, sub-vitreous
Habitus: usually as cleavable, granular or massive aggregates formed by tabular crystals. Twinning is common
Hardness: 6 - 6½
Fracture: irregular/uneven, sub-conchoidal
Cleavage: perfect {001} perfect, {010} good, {110} poor
Density: 2.63-2.66 g/cm3
Origin and geological occurrence: “oligoclase” is a member of the plagioclase series, with composition ranging between An10 to An30.It occurs in felsic igneous rocks. It is rarer in metamorphic rocks. It may be a detrital mineral in sedimentary rocks.




9F.6 Oligoclase
White tabular twinned crystals. Redondo Mt., Leira, Portugal
