
Ratum Quarry, Vosseveld, Winterswijk, Gelderland, Netherlands


Crystal System: cubic
Colour: pale brass-yellow
Lustre: metallic
Habitus: usually cubic, pyritohedral, octahedral, and combinations of these forms (along with other rarer forms). Rarely elongated to acicular crystals. Commonly granular, globular (sometimes fibrous-radiating), framboidal, stalactitic. Twinning is relatively common
Hardness: 6 - 6½
Fracture: irregular/uneven, conchoidal
Cleavage: poor, indistinct on {100}
Density: 5.01 g/cm3 
Origin and geological occurrence: it is common in a wide variety of geological environments.
Smorf link


2.10 pirite

2.10 Pyrite
Striated cubic crystals

#economic minerals

2.11 pirite

2.11 Pyrite


2.12 s12 PIRITE

2.12 Pyrite
Oxydized cubic crystal in schist


 Pyrite 2.13

2.13 Pyrite
Deeply striated crystals


2.14 s14 PIRITE

2.14 Pyrite
Pyritohedral crystals with quartz


2.16 E14 F14 PIRITE 4

2.16 Pyrite S
Striated cubic crystals


Pyrite 2.25

2.25 Pyrite
Distorted cubic, striated, crystals



2.29  Pyrite
