Elmwood mine, Carthage, Central Tennessee Ba-F-Pb-Zn District, Smith Co., Tennessee, USA


Crystal System: orthorhombic
Colour: colourless, white, yellow, brown, grey or blue
Lustre: vitreous, pearly
Habitus: prismatic or flattened
Hardness: 3
Fracture: irregular/uneven
Cleavage: perfect - perfect on {001}; less perfect on {210}; imperfect on {010}.
Density:  4.50 g/cm3 
Origin and geological occurrence: it is a gangue mineral in low-temperature hydrothermal veins and a primary component of submarine volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. Baryte is an accessory mineral in igneous rocks and in carbonatites.
Smorf link


7.5 R5 BARITE1

7.5 Baryte
Granoblastic aggregate with pyrite


7.18 barite

7.18 Baryte
Cleaved aggregate.

#minerali economici


7.23 barite1

7.23 Baryte
Spatic aggregate.

#minerali economici
